Text Ordering Instructions

1. First you need to fill out the order form (access from submenu on left). Be sure to properly fill out the E-mail address field as your username and password will be sent to the E-mail address you specify.

2. You can pay by money order, credit card (through our authorized payment processor PayPal), or with an existing PayPal account. If you are mailing a money order, please allow 1-3 business days for it to be received. Accounts and passwords are activated only after payment is verified (not when the order is placed). If paying with credit card or PayPal, we are generally able to verify a successful transaction with them within one business day. After payment is verified, your account and password will be activated and you will be able to download a full PDF copy of the textbook from the full text download page (access from submenu on left or link below). All materials are online - nothing will be shipped.

3. Your username and password are also required to login to the web-based end-of-chapter quiz system, interactive simulation, and So You Want to Become a CPA(tm) game. The simulation and game can be installed on your personal computer (Mac or Windows) at any time and can be obtained from the main Textbooks page (using the Textbooks menu at the top of this page - not the Simulations menu).

4. It is also important that you do not share your account and password with anyone else, since unauthorized use will be logged by our system and can result in your account being frozen.

5. To order click here

6. To full text download page

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